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Information materials

APHLIS offer access to advisory and publicity materials.  Below we also give some suggestions about how you can include APHLIS information and data in your own reports.

Advisory materials of loss reduction decision making

Decision making about the best approach to reduce postharvest losses is complex.  For the future, APHLIS and its partners propose to develop applications that may assist in this process.  As a first step in this direction we offer a link to the ‘Analysing Losses’ page of the Postharvest Loss Reduction Centre at NRI where there is an ‘app’ based on the typical APHLIS postharvest chain for maize grain.  The app is not intended to make decisions for you but it shows you some of the important issues that should be considered when making investments in loss reduction, i.e. it is a training aid not an implementation tool.  The webpage explains the app, provides an example of its use and gives a link to a functional version with which you can perform your own investigations of loss reduction scenarios.

Publicity materials

If you wish to learn more about APHLIS or need documentation to inform others then the following links can be used to download an APHLIS leaflet or an APHLIS PowerPoint.

How to include information from APHLIS directly into your reports

Copying data tables from APHLIS and including them in your reports is very useful and can be done easily by using screen shots or printing to PDF.  In the case of APHLIS maps there is already a PDF download button provided.

How to quote APHLIS in your reports and publications

APHLIS was developed with the support of the European Commission (Joint Research Centre).  The APHLIS team encourages you to use the information that it provides in your reports and publications.  However, you should mention the origin of the information since it is important that readers can trace your information sources.  Text references should mention ‘APHLIS’ or alternatively ‘African Postharvest Losses Information System’ and give the following web address -


For a detailed explanation of how to use the website to access APHLIS data please download this tutorial. For a tutorial on using the APHLIS calculator to calculate losses based on your own seasonal data, please download this presentation.