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Réf ID Année de pub Année de la collecte Géo-focus Région Auteur Titre Source
11995  -  Sudan  -  Abu-Bakr Ali Abu-GoughA review of post-harvest systems of grains in the Sudan.Report of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, pp. 29
21986  -  Somalia  -  Abukar M.M., Burgio G. and Ermenegildo T.Evaluation of post-harvest losses caused by insects to maize in three districts of Somalia.Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri' 43, 51-58.
31977  -  Global  -  Adam J.M.A review of the literature concerning losses in stored cereals and pulses, published since 1964.Tropical Science 19, 1-28.
41977  -  Zambia  -  Adams J.M.The evaluation of losses in maize stored on a selection of small farms in Zambia, with particular reference to the development of methodology.Tropical Stored Products Information 33, 19-24.
51995  -  TanzaniaSumbawanga DistrictAshimogo, G.A case study of maize in Sumbawanga District (Tanzania).Verlag Dr. Koester, Berlin (Germany), pp 360
62005  -  IndiaDhammarBakhwar, A. O., Baoom, A. A., Bokair, A. O., Alssagheer, M. A.Harvesting and threshing losses of sorghum and wheat in mid high lands region/Dhammar.University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 9 (1), 47-54
71991  -  Tanzania  -  Bengtsson, LComparative study of storage techniques at household level, Tanzania.FAO-AGO--URT/86/016, pp. 33.
81994  -  MalawiKaronga Add, Northern RegionBinder K.F., Masebo B. and K.F. NgulbeStorage losses of maize under smallholders' conditions. Part1 Karonga Add, Northern Region.Part1 Karonga Add, Northern Region. Malawi-German Biocontrol and Post-harvest Project (MGBPP)/ Lunyangwa Agricultural Research Station, Crop Storage Unit, pp. 18.
91987  -  Global  -  Booth R.H. Toet A.J. and Bevan L.Investing in Sustainbale post-havrest programmes. Guidelines for the development of post-harvest efforts to imporve food supply based on 10 years experience of the FAO Special Action Programme.Report of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, Prevention of Food Losses Programme, Agriculatural Services Division. pp. 30
101986  -  Global  -  Boxall R.A.A critical review of the methodology for assessing farm-level grain losses after harvest.Report of the Tropical Development and Research Institute, G191, viii + 139 pp.
112001  -  Global  -  Boxall R.A.Post-harvest losses to insects - a world overview.International biodeterioration and biodegradation 48, 137-152.
121984  -  Nepal  -  Boxall R.A.Farm level storage losses in eastern Nepal.Tropical stored products information. 50 p 20-25.
131998  -  Ethiopia  -  Boxall RAGrains post-harvest loss assessment in Ethiopia.Final report NRI Report No 2377. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. pp 44.
141996  -  Asia  -  Calverley D.J.B.A study of loss assessment in eleven projects in Asia concerned with rice.Rome, FAO ( (PFL/INS/001).
151996  -  Malawi  -  Coda and PartnersAgricultural sector study phase II.Volume II: Post-harvest losses reduction study in Malawi. Typewritten pp 64.
181979  -  Kenya  -  De Lima C.P.F.The assessment of losses due to insects and rodents in maize stored for subsistence in Kenya.Tropical Stored Products Information 38, pp21-25.
191982  -  Swaziland  -  De Lima C.P.F.Strengthening the food conservation and crop storage section (Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Swaziland).(Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Swaziland). Field documents and final technical report. Project PFL/SWA/002. Rome, FAO.
201980  -  Global  -  FAOAssessment and collection of data on post-harvest foodgrain losses.Fao economic and social development paper 13. UN Food and Agriuclutre Organisation, Rome. Pp. 71.
211992  -  Zambia  -  FAOPost-Harvest Losses Control, Zambia. Project findings and recommendations.Project findings and recommendations. FAO (AGS) pp. 29.
221994  -  ZambiaEastern, Southern and Central ProvinceFAOOn farm storage of maize in a liberalized market environment. An overview of opportunities and problems facing farmers in Eastern, Southern and Central Province, Zambia.FAO (AGS), pp.25.
231998  -  Global  -  FAOSynthesis of experience gained in prevention of food losses - twenty years of experience of FAO's special action programme for the prevention of food losses.UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, pp. 74.
24  -    -  Global  -  FAOOn-farm maize drying and storage in the humid tropics.FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 40, pp 60.
251991  -  Zimbabwe  -  Giga D.P., Mutemerewa S., Moyo G. and Neeley D.Assessment and control of losses caused by insect pests in small farmers' stores in Zimbabwe.Crop Protection10, 287 - 292
261986  -  Kenya  -  Giles P.H.Post-maturity grain losses in the field. In: Maize Conservation on the farm.Proceedings of a seminar at Kisumu, Kenta 21-23 Janaury 1986. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya. pp 1-21.
271986  -  Kenya  -  Giles P.H.Conservation of maize in various farm storage management systems.In: Maize Conservation on the farm. Proceedings of a seminar at Kisumu, Kenta 21-23 Janaury 1986. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya. pp 94-113.
281981  -  MalawiShire ValleyGolob P.A practical appraisal of on-farm storage losses and loss assessment methods in the Shire Valley of Malawi.Tropical Stored Products Information 40, 5-13.
291981  -  Malawi  -  Golob P.A practical appraisal of on-farm storage losses and loss assessment methods in Malawi 2: The Lilongwe land development programme area.The Lilongwe land development programme area. Tropical Stored Products Information 41, 5-11.
301985  -  TanzaniaWesternGolob P. and Boag C.Report on field trials to control Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera:Bostichidae) in western Tanzania 1983/84 and 1984/85.Project No. A1074. (unpublished)
311982  -  Global  -  Greeley M.Pinpointing post-harvest food losses.Ceres 15 (1), 30-37.
321991  -  Global  -  Greeley M.Postharvest technologies: implications for food policy analysis.EDI Development Policy Case Series. Analytical Case Studies no. 7. pp. 81.
331997  -  Global  -  Grolleaud M.Post-Harvest Losses: Discovering the Full Story.UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, 1997), pp. 34
342006  -  Eritrea  -  Haile A.On-farm studies on sorghum and chickpea in Eritrea.African Journal of Biotechnology 5 (17) 1537-1544.
352006  -  EritreaDrylandsHaile A.On-farm storage of chickpea, sorghum and wheat in Eritrea.Drylands Co-ordination Group Report No. 42, pp 27.
361992  -  Tanzania  -  Henkes C.Investigations into insect population dynamics, damage and losses of stored maize - an approach to IPM in small farms in Tanzania with special reference to Prostephanus truncatus (Horn). GTZ, Pickuben 4, D-2000 Hamburg 11, Germany. pp 124.
372006  -  NamibiamahanguHodges R.J.Post-harvest Team: Final report on the mahangu grain management survey and loss assessment baseline. National Agricultural Support Services Programme (NASSP).Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Namibia, NASSP Report No. 006/2006, pp. 99.
381983  -  AfricaEastHodges R.J.An outbreak of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in East Africa.Protection Ecology, 5, 1983-194.
391999  -  IndiaSouthHodges R.J., Hall A.J., Jayaraj K., Jaiswal P., Potdar N., Yogand B. and Navi S.S.Quality changes in farm-stored sorghum grown in the wet or dry season in South India: A technical and social study.NRI Report 2412. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK. pp. 33
401980  -  Bangladesh  -  Huq F. and Greeley M.Rice in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis of farm level food losses in five post-harvest operations.In: Grain quality improvement - Proceedings of the 3rd annual workshop on grains post-harvest technology. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-31 January 1980. 245-262. - also see - Greeley M. (1982) Pinpointing post-harvest losses. Ceres 15 (1), 30-37.
411985  -  Ethiopia  -  Kashi, K.P.Report of the post-harvest losses consultancy mission to Ethiopia, February 24 - April 25, 1985.Consultancy report. FAO (AGS) pp. 87.
421990  -  Zimbabwe  -  Katerere M. and Giga D.Grain Storage Losses in Zimbabwe.ISSN 0850856 97pp. Environmental Development Action, Occassional Paper series, 132.
431986  -  Ethiopia  -  Kidane, Y and Habteyes Y.Food grain losses in traditional storage facilities in selected areas of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, December 1986.Quoted in Boxall 1998
441989  -  Ethiopia  -  Kidane, Y. and Habteyes Y.Food grain losses in tradional storage facilities in three areas of Ethiopia.In: Proceedings of 'Towards a food and nutrition strategy for Ethiopia'. Alemaya University of Agriculture, 8-12 December 1986, Alemaya, Ethiopia.
451987  -  Zimbabwe  -  Lars-Ove Jonsson and Kashweka K.Relationship between drying, harvest and storage losses, production and consumption of maize for a rural household in Zambia.In: Holmes J.C. (editor) Improving food crop production on smal farms in Africa. FAO/SIDA Seminar on increased Food Production through low-cost food crops technology, Harare (Zimbabwe), 2-17 March 1987.
461991  -  Somalia  -  Lavinge R.J.Stored grain insetcs in underground storage pits in Somlia and their control.Insect Science and its Application, 12 (5/6), 571-578.
472008  -  EthiopiaEastern HarangeLemessa F.Under and above ground storage loss of sorghum grain in Eastern Harange, Ethiopia.Agricualtural mechnaisation in Asia, Africa and latin America. 39 (1) 49-52
481996  -  Ethiopia  -  McFarlane J.A.A study of the storage losses and allied problems in Ethiopia.Report of the Tropical Products Institute. Pp.67. (Quoted in Boxall 1998)
491987  -  Africa  -  McFarlane J.A.Storage methods in realtion to post-harvest losses in cereals.Proceedings of a 'Study workshop on on-farm and post-harvest losses of cereal crops in Africa due to epsts and diseases'. Nairobi, Kenya, 11-15 October 1987. 101-106
502003  -  Global  -  McNeill S.G. and Montross M.D.Harvesting, drying and storing grain sorghum.University of Kentucky, Cooperative extension service, AEN-17, pp 5.
511995  -  Zimbabwe  -  Mvumi B.M., Giga D.P. and Chiuswa D.V.The maize (Zea mays L.) post-production practices of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe: findings from surveys.Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa 1 (2), 115-130.
521993  -  KenyaSouth Nyanza districtNyambo B.T.Post-harvest maize and sorghum grain losses in tradtional and imporved stores in South Nyanza district, Kenya.International Journal of Pest Management, 39(2) 181-187
531991  -  Africa  -  Odogola W.R. and Henriksson R.Post harvest management and storage of maize.UNDP/OPS Regional Programme, Harare December 1991. (very useful background on post-harvest handling)
541988  -  Togo  -  Pantenius C.U.Storage losses in traditonal maize granaries in Togo.Insect science and its application ( (6), 725-735
551985  -  IndiaAndhra PradeshPushpamma, P., Chittemma Rao, K., Sudhakar Reddy, K. & Prameela, D.Storage of sorghum and millets at domestic level in Andhra Pradesh, India.Bull. Grain Technol., 23: 50-60.
561984  -  Africa Southern  -  Qhobela M., Moboloka M. and Maepe M.Post production problems in Lesotho.Proceedings of a Workshop - post harvest loss prevention in the SADCC Region, Harare, Zimbabwe, November 1984.
571983  -  Egypt  -  Ramos B.M.An assessment of rice post-harvest losses in Egypt, rice season 1982 (EGY/78/017).Report presented to the national Committee, Rice Technology Training Centre (RTTC), Alexandria, Egypt, April 13, 1983.Typewritten pp 23 (UNDP project document available from FAO)
581990  -  Central African Republicl'Ouham-Pende et de l'OuhamRatnadass A.Les pertes occasionnees par les insectes au sorgho stocke dans des village de l'Ouham-Pende et de l'Ouham (Republique centrafricaine).L'Agromomie Tropicale 45 (1) 31- 41
591994  -  Mali  -  Ratnadass A., Berte S., Diarra D. and Cisse B.Insect losses on sorghum stored in selected Malian villages, with particular emphasis on varietal differences in grain resistance.In: Proceedings of the 6th Working Conference on Stored Products Protection, Canberra, Australia, 17 - 22 April 1994. Eds. Highley E., Wright E.J., Banks H.J. and Champ B.R.,. Volume 2, pp 953-959.
601999  -  Mali  -  Ratnadass A., Cisse B., Diarra D., Sidibe B, Sogoba B. and Thiero C.A.T.Faune des stocks de sorgho dans deux regions du Mali et comparaison des pertes infligees aux varieties locales ou introduites pour ameliorer le rendement.Annales de la Societe Entomologie de France 35, 489-495.
611987  -  Madagascar  -  Repoblika MalagasyEnquete sur les pertes de paddy apres recolte.Ministere de la production agricole et de la reforme agraire. Pp 17 + tables
621982  -  Africa  -  Schulten G.G.M.Post-harvest losses in tropical Africa and their prevention.Food and nutrition Bulletin 4 (2), 1-24.
631972  -  Malawi  -  Schulten G.G.M. and Westwood D.Grain storage project Malawi. December 1969 - June 1972.December 1969 - June 1972. Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi.
641992  -  Sudancentral production belt Seifelnasr Y.E.Stored grain insects found in sorghum stored in the central production belt of Sudan and losses cause.Tropical Science 32, 223-230
651991  -  Global  -  Silim M.N., Odogola W. and Amenet J.Techncial report of the post havrest loss prevention project 1987-1991.FAO (PFL/UGA/001), pp 131.
661985  -  Africa  -  Smit C.Post-harvest losses of some staples crops at farm level in Africa. Report on the regional workshop on national programming and intercountry co-operation prevention of food losses Volume II. UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, African Regional Centre for Technology, Dakar Senegal 6-10 May 1985. pp. 124-137.
671997  -  Ethiopia  -  SSEAD ConsultancyAmhara national Regional State, Bureau of Agriculture, Regional Crop Pest Survey Report on Insect Pests.Addis Ababa (quoted in detail in Boxall 1998)
682004  -  Ethiopia  -  Tadesse A. and Basedow T.A survey of insect pest problems and stored product protection in stored maize in Ethiopia in the year 2000.Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 111 (3) 257-265.
692003  -  Global  -  Talbot M.Grain sorghum: Harvesting, drying and storage.University of Florida, Document AE44, pp. 8. htpp://edis.ifas.ufl.edu.
701978  -  Global  -  TPITropical Products Institute seminar on post-harvest grain losses.Tropical Stored Products Information 36, pp. 72.
711990  -  EthiopiaWollo RegionVervroegen D. and Yehwola F.Project for the identification of post-production grain losses and training on their eeduction in Wollo Region, Ethiopia. FAO terminal report, Action Programme for the prevention of Food Losses.FAO terminal report, Action Programme for the prevention of Food Losses. United Nations Food and Agricaulture Organisation, pp. 17
722008  -  Global  -  Wilcke W.Stragegies for flooded grain bins.World Grain, August 2008, 55-58.
732008  -  Malawi  -  Singano C.Singano C. (pers comm.) Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi.Ppers comm. Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi.
742011  -  Ghana  -  Appiah F., Guisse R. and Dartey P.K.A.Post harvest losses of rice from harvesting to milling in Ghana. Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 2(4), pp. 64-71.
752011  -  Ghana  -  Egyir I.S., Sarpong D.B. and Obeng-Ofori D.M&E System for post harvest losses (Pilot Study)Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana. Final Report. Pp. 106
761998  -  GhanaOfusu T., Manful JT, Boxall R.Improving the competitiveness and marketability of locally-produced rice in Ghana. 3. An assessment of rice post-harvest systems.Department for International Development (DFID), Crop Postharvest Programme, Project R6688. pp 37
772011  -  Mali  -  Rowley J. Q.The assessment of losses during handling and storage of millet in Mali.Unpublished, typewritten. pp. 74.
782008  -  Ghana  -  Egyir I.S., Sarpong D.B. and Obeng-Ofori D.Harvest and postharvest baseline study.Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana. Final Report. Pp. 152
792004  -  West and Central Africa   -  Vodouhe R.S.Promoting fonio production in West and central Africa through germplasm mangement and improvement of post harvest technology.Final Report, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, pp. 16. (Accessed 24 April 2012 - http://www.underutilized-species.org/documents/Publications/fonio_rapport_final_GTZ_project1.pdf)