Ref ID |
Year of pub |
Year of collection |
Geo-focus |
Region |
Author |
Title |
Source |
67 | 1997 | - | Ethiopia | - | SSEAD Consultancy | Amhara national Regional State, Bureau of Agriculture, Regional Crop Pest Survey Report on Insect Pests. | Addis Ababa (quoted in detail in Boxall 1998) |
34 | 2006 | - | Eritrea | - | Haile A. | On-farm studies on sorghum and chickpea in Eritrea. | African Journal of Biotechnology 5 (17) 1537-1544. |
47 | 2008 | - | Ethiopia | Eastern Harange | Lemessa F. | Under and above ground storage loss of sorghum grain in Eastern Harange, Ethiopia. | Agricualtural mechnaisation in Asia, Africa and latin America. 39 (1) 49-52 |
60 | 1999 | - | Mali | - | Ratnadass A., Cisse B., Diarra D., Sidibe B, Sogoba B. and Thiero C.A.T. | Faune des stocks de sorgho dans deux regions du Mali et comparaison des pertes infligees aux varieties locales ou introduites pour ameliorer le rendement. | Annales de la Societe Entomologie de France 35, 489-495. |
2 | 1986 | - | Somalia | - | Abukar M.M., Burgio G. and Ermenegildo T. | Evaluation of post-harvest losses caused by insects to maize in three districts of Somalia. | Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria 'Filippo Silvestri' 43, 51-58. |
55 | 1985 | - | India | Andhra Pradesh | Pushpamma, P., Chittemma Rao, K., Sudhakar Reddy, K. & Prameela, D. | Storage of sorghum and millets at domestic level in Andhra Pradesh, India. | Bull. Grain Technol., 23: 50-60. |
31 | 1982 | - | Global | - | Greeley M. | Pinpointing post-harvest food losses. | Ceres 15 (1), 30-37. |
41 | 1985 | - | Ethiopia | - | Kashi, K.P. | Report of the post-harvest losses consultancy mission to Ethiopia, February 24 - April 25, 1985. | Consultancy report. FAO (AGS) pp. 87. |
25 | 1991 | - | Zimbabwe | - | Giga D.P., Mutemerewa S., Moyo G. and Neeley D. | Assessment and control of losses caused by insect pests in small farmers' stores in Zimbabwe. | Crop Protection10, 287 - 292 |
63 | 1972 | - | Malawi | - | Schulten G.G.M. and Westwood D. | Grain storage project Malawi. December 1969 - June 1972. | December 1969 - June 1972. Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi. |
76 | 1998 | - | Ghana | | Ofusu T., Manful JT, Boxall R. | Improving the competitiveness and marketability of locally-produced rice in Ghana. 3. An assessment of rice post-harvest systems. | Department for International Development (DFID), Crop Postharvest Programme, Project R6688. pp 37 |
35 | 2006 | - | Eritrea | Drylands | Haile A. | On-farm storage of chickpea, sorghum and wheat in Eritrea. | Drylands Co-ordination Group Report No. 42, pp 27. |
32 | 1991 | - | Global | - | Greeley M. | Postharvest technologies: implications for food policy analysis. | EDI Development Policy Case Series. Analytical Case Studies no. 7. pp. 81. |
7 | 1991 | - | Tanzania | - | Bengtsson, L | Comparative study of storage techniques at household level, Tanzania. | FAO-AGO--URT/86/016, pp. 33. |
24 | - | - | Global | - | FAO | On-farm maize drying and storage in the humid tropics. | FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 40, pp 60. |
22 | 1994 | - | Zambia | Eastern, Southern and Central Province | FAO | On farm storage of maize in a liberalized market environment. An overview of opportunities and problems facing farmers in Eastern, Southern and Central Province, Zambia. | FAO (AGS), pp.25. |
20 | 1980 | - | Global | - | FAO | Assessment and collection of data on post-harvest foodgrain losses. | Fao economic and social development paper 13. UN Food and Agriuclutre Organisation, Rome. Pp. 71. |
65 | 1991 | - | Global | - | Silim M.N., Odogola W. and Amenet J. | Techncial report of the post havrest loss prevention project 1987-1991. | FAO (PFL/UGA/001), pp 131. |
71 | 1990 | - | Ethiopia | Wollo Region | Vervroegen D. and Yehwola F. | Project for the identification of post-production grain losses and training on their eeduction in Wollo Region, Ethiopia. FAO terminal report, Action Programme for the prevention of Food Losses. | FAO terminal report, Action Programme for the prevention of Food Losses. United Nations Food and Agricaulture Organisation, pp. 17 |
79 | 2004 | - | West and Central Africa | - | Vodouhe R.S. | Promoting fonio production in West and central Africa through germplasm mangement and improvement of post harvest technology. | Final Report, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, pp. 16. (Accessed 24 April 2012 - |
13 | 1998 | - | Ethiopia | - | Boxall RA | Grains post-harvest loss assessment in Ethiopia. | Final report NRI Report No 2377. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK. pp 44. |
62 | 1982 | - | Africa | - | Schulten G.G.M. | Post-harvest losses in tropical Africa and their prevention. | Food and nutrition Bulletin 4 (2), 1-24. |
36 | 1992 | - | Tanzania | - | Henkes C. | Investigations into insect population dynamics, damage and losses of stored maize - an approach to IPM in small farms in Tanzania with special reference to Prostephanus truncatus (Horn). | GTZ, Pickuben 4, D-2000 Hamburg 11, Germany. pp 124. |
40 | 1980 | - | Bangladesh | - | Huq F. and Greeley M. | Rice in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis of farm level food losses in five post-harvest operations. | In: Grain quality improvement - Proceedings of the 3rd annual workshop on grains post-harvest technology. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-31 January 1980. 245-262. - also see - Greeley M. (1982) Pinpointing post-harvest losses. Ceres 15 (1), 30-37. |
45 | 1987 | - | Zimbabwe | - | Lars-Ove Jonsson and Kashweka K. | Relationship between drying, harvest and storage losses, production and consumption of maize for a rural household in Zambia. | In: Holmes J.C. (editor) Improving food crop production on smal farms in Africa. FAO/SIDA Seminar on increased Food Production through low-cost food crops technology, Harare (Zimbabwe), 2-17 March 1987. |
27 | 1986 | - | Kenya | - | Giles P.H. | Conservation of maize in various farm storage management systems. | In: Maize Conservation on the farm. Proceedings of a seminar at Kisumu, Kenta 21-23 Janaury 1986. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya. pp 94-113. |
59 | 1994 | - | Mali | - | Ratnadass A., Berte S., Diarra D. and Cisse B. | Insect losses on sorghum stored in selected Malian villages, with particular emphasis on varietal differences in grain resistance. | In: Proceedings of the 6th Working Conference on Stored Products Protection, Canberra, Australia, 17 - 22 April 1994. Eds. Highley E., Wright E.J., Banks H.J. and Champ B.R.,. Volume 2, pp 953-959. |
44 | 1989 | - | Ethiopia | - | Kidane, Y. and Habteyes Y. | Food grain losses in tradional storage facilities in three areas of Ethiopia. | In: Proceedings of 'Towards a food and nutrition strategy for Ethiopia'. Alemaya University of Agriculture, 8-12 December 1986, Alemaya, Ethiopia. |
46 | 1991 | - | Somalia | - | Lavinge R.J. | Stored grain insetcs in underground storage pits in Somlia and their control. | Insect Science and its Application, 12 (5/6), 571-578. |
54 | 1988 | - | Togo | - | Pantenius C.U. | Storage losses in traditonal maize granaries in Togo. | Insect science and its application ( (6), 725-735 |
11 | 2001 | - | Global | - | Boxall R.A. | Post-harvest losses to insects - a world overview. | International biodeterioration and biodegradation 48, 137-152. |
52 | 1993 | - | Kenya | South Nyanza district | Nyambo B.T. | Post-harvest maize and sorghum grain losses in tradtional and imporved stores in South Nyanza district, Kenya. | International Journal of Pest Management, 39(2) 181-187 |
42 | 1990 | - | Zimbabwe | - | Katerere M. and Giga D. | Grain Storage Losses in Zimbabwe. | ISSN 0850856 97pp. Environmental Development Action, Occassional Paper series, 132. |
51 | 1995 | - | Zimbabwe | - | Mvumi B.M., Giga D.P. and Chiuswa D.V. | The maize (Zea mays L.) post-production practices of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe: findings from surveys. | Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa 1 (2), 115-130. |
68 | 2004 | - | Ethiopia | - | Tadesse A. and Basedow T. | A survey of insect pest problems and stored product protection in stored maize in Ethiopia in the year 2000. | Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 111 (3) 257-265. |
74 | 2011 | - | Ghana | - | Appiah F., Guisse R. and Dartey P.K.A. | Post harvest losses of rice from harvesting to milling in Ghana. | Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 2(4), pp. 64-71. |
58 | 1990 | - | Central African Republic | l'Ouham-Pende et de l'Ouham | Ratnadass A. | Les pertes occasionnees par les insectes au sorgho stocke dans des village de l'Ouham-Pende et de l'Ouham (Republique centrafricaine). | L'Agromomie Tropicale 45 (1) 31- 41 |
61 | 1987 | - | Madagascar | - | Repoblika Malagasy | Enquete sur les pertes de paddy apres recolte. | Ministere de la production agricole et de la reforme agraire. Pp 17 + tables |
19 | 1982 | - | Swaziland | - | De Lima C.P.F. | Strengthening the food conservation and crop storage section (Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Swaziland). | (Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Swaziland). Field documents and final technical report. Project PFL/SWA/002. Rome, FAO. |
37 | 2006 | - | Namibia | mahangu | Hodges R.J. | Post-harvest Team: Final report on the mahangu grain management survey and loss assessment baseline. National Agricultural Support Services Programme (NASSP). | Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Namibia, NASSP Report No. 006/2006, pp. 99. |
39 | 1999 | - | India | South | Hodges R.J., Hall A.J., Jayaraj K., Jaiswal P., Potdar N., Yogand B. and Navi S.S. | Quality changes in farm-stored sorghum grown in the wet or dry season in South India: A technical and social study. | NRI Report 2412. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK. pp. 33 |
8 | 1994 | - | Malawi | Karonga Add, Northern Region | Binder K.F., Masebo B. and K.F. Ngulbe | Storage losses of maize under smallholders' conditions. Part1 Karonga Add, Northern Region. | Part1 Karonga Add, Northern Region. Malawi-German Biocontrol and Post-harvest Project (MGBPP)/ Lunyangwa Agricultural Research Station, Crop Storage Unit, pp. 18. |
75 | 2011 | - | Ghana | - | Egyir I.S., Sarpong D.B. and Obeng-Ofori D. | M&E System for post harvest losses (Pilot Study) | Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana. Final Report. Pp. 106 |
78 | 2008 | - | Ghana | - | Egyir I.S., Sarpong D.B. and Obeng-Ofori D. | Harvest and postharvest baseline study. | Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana. Final Report. Pp. 152 |
73 | 2008 | - | Malawi | - | Singano C. | Singano C. (pers comm.) Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi. | Ppers comm. Principal Agricultural Research Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research Services, Malawi. |
26 | 1986 | - | Kenya | - | Giles P.H. | Post-maturity grain losses in the field. In: Maize Conservation on the farm. | Proceedings of a seminar at Kisumu, Kenta 21-23 Janaury 1986. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya. pp 1-21. |
49 | 1987 | - | Africa | - | McFarlane J.A. | Storage methods in realtion to post-harvest losses in cereals. | Proceedings of a 'Study workshop on on-farm and post-harvest losses of cereal crops in Africa due to epsts and diseases'. Nairobi, Kenya, 11-15 October 1987. 101-106 |
56 | 1984 | - | Africa Southern | - | Qhobela M., Moboloka M. and Maepe M. | Post production problems in Lesotho. | Proceedings of a Workshop - post harvest loss prevention in the SADCC Region, Harare, Zimbabwe, November 1984. |
21 | 1992 | - | Zambia | - | FAO | Post-Harvest Losses Control, Zambia. Project findings and recommendations. | Project findings and recommendations. FAO (AGS) pp. 29. |
30 | 1985 | - | Tanzania | Western | Golob P. and Boag C. | Report on field trials to control Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera:Bostichidae) in western Tanzania 1983/84 and 1984/85. | Project No. A1074. (unpublished) |
38 | 1983 | - | Africa | East | Hodges R.J. | An outbreak of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in East Africa. | Protection Ecology, 5, 1983-194. |
43 | 1986 | - | Ethiopia | - | Kidane, Y and Habteyes Y. | Food grain losses in traditional storage facilities in selected areas of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, December 1986. | Quoted in Boxall 1998 |
10 | 1986 | - | Global | - | Boxall R.A. | A critical review of the methodology for assessing farm-level grain losses after harvest. | Report of the Tropical Development and Research Institute, G191, viii + 139 pp. |
48 | 1996 | - | Ethiopia | - | McFarlane J.A. | A study of the storage losses and allied problems in Ethiopia. | Report of the Tropical Products Institute. Pp.67. (Quoted in Boxall 1998) |
1 | 1995 | - | Sudan | - | Abu-Bakr Ali Abu-Gough | A review of post-harvest systems of grains in the Sudan. | Report of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, pp. 29 |
9 | 1987 | - | Global | - | Booth R.H. Toet A.J. and Bevan L. | Investing in Sustainbale post-havrest programmes. Guidelines for the development of post-harvest efforts to imporve food supply based on 10 years experience of the FAO Special Action Programme. | Report of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, Prevention of Food Losses Programme, Agriculatural Services Division. pp. 30 |
57 | 1983 | - | Egypt | - | Ramos B.M. | An assessment of rice post-harvest losses in Egypt, rice season 1982 (EGY/78/017). | Report presented to the national Committee, Rice Technology Training Centre (RTTC), Alexandria, Egypt, April 13, 1983.Typewritten pp 23 (UNDP project document available from FAO) |
14 | 1996 | - | Asia | - | Calverley D.J.B. | A study of loss assessment in eleven projects in Asia concerned with rice. | Rome, FAO ( (PFL/INS/001). |
29 | 1981 | - | Malawi | - | Golob P. | A practical appraisal of on-farm storage losses and loss assessment methods in Malawi 2: The Lilongwe land development programme area. | The Lilongwe land development programme area. Tropical Stored Products Information 41, 5-11. |
3 | 1977 | - | Global | - | Adam J.M. | A review of the literature concerning losses in stored cereals and pulses, published since 1964. | Tropical Science 19, 1-28. |
64 | 1992 | - | Sudan | central production belt | Seifelnasr Y.E. | Stored grain insects found in sorghum stored in the central production belt of Sudan and losses cause. | Tropical Science 32, 223-230 |
4 | 1977 | - | Zambia | - | Adams J.M. | The evaluation of losses in maize stored on a selection of small farms in Zambia, with particular reference to the development of methodology. | Tropical Stored Products Information 33, 19-24. |
70 | 1978 | - | Global | - | TPI | Tropical Products Institute seminar on post-harvest grain losses. | Tropical Stored Products Information 36, pp. 72. |
18 | 1979 | - | Kenya | - | De Lima C.P.F. | The assessment of losses due to insects and rodents in maize stored for subsistence in Kenya. | Tropical Stored Products Information 38, pp21-25. |
28 | 1981 | - | Malawi | Shire Valley | Golob P. | A practical appraisal of on-farm storage losses and loss assessment methods in the Shire Valley of Malawi. | Tropical Stored Products Information 40, 5-13. |
12 | 1984 | - | Nepal | - | Boxall R.A. | Farm level storage losses in eastern Nepal. | Tropical stored products information. 50 p 20-25. |
53 | 1991 | - | Africa | - | Odogola W.R. and Henriksson R. | Post harvest management and storage of maize. | UNDP/OPS Regional Programme, Harare December 1991. (very useful background on post-harvest handling) |
66 | 1985 | - | Africa | - | Smit C. | Post-harvest losses of some staples crops at farm level in Africa. Report on the regional workshop on national programming and intercountry co-operation prevention of food losses Volume II. | UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, African Regional Centre for Technology, Dakar Senegal 6-10 May 1985. pp. 124-137. |
23 | 1998 | - | Global | - | FAO | Synthesis of experience gained in prevention of food losses - twenty years of experience of FAO's special action programme for the prevention of food losses. | UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, pp. 74. |
33 | 1997 | - | Global | - | Grolleaud M. | Post-Harvest Losses: Discovering the Full Story. | UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, 1997), pp. 34 |
6 | 2005 | - | India | Dhammar | Bakhwar, A. O., Baoom, A. A., Bokair, A. O., Alssagheer, M. A. | Harvesting and threshing losses of sorghum and wheat in mid high lands region/Dhammar. | University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 9 (1), 47-54 |
69 | 2003 | - | Global | - | Talbot M. | Grain sorghum: Harvesting, drying and storage. | University of Florida, Document AE44, pp. 8. htpp:// |
50 | 2003 | - | Global | - | McNeill S.G. and Montross M.D. | Harvesting, drying and storing grain sorghum. | University of Kentucky, Cooperative extension service, AEN-17, pp 5. |
77 | 2011 | - | Mali | - | Rowley J. Q. | The assessment of losses during handling and storage of millet in Mali. | Unpublished, typewritten. pp. 74. |
5 | 1995 | - | Tanzania | Sumbawanga District | Ashimogo, G. | A case study of maize in Sumbawanga District (Tanzania). | Verlag Dr. Koester, Berlin (Germany), pp 360 |
15 | 1996 | - | Malawi | - | Coda and Partners | Agricultural sector study phase II. | Volume II: Post-harvest losses reduction study in Malawi. Typewritten pp 64. |
72 | 2008 | - | Global | - | Wilcke W. | Stragegies for flooded grain bins. | World Grain, August 2008, 55-58. |